Monday, March 30, 2009

Red Bull Flugtag 2009

Red Bull makes full use of its "Red Bull gives you wings" slogan by hosting this year's Flugtag in London's Hyde Park.

Anyone wondering what a Flugtag is should refer to the famous Bognor Birdman event. If you're still in the dark, it's basically about man's eternal battle with gravity, coupled with an extraordinary willingness to look stupid.

Forty teams take part and spectators can see the daredevil pilots "flying" their man-powered craft from a 20-foot high ramp over/into the murky waters below.

The celebrity panel judge entries based on flight distance, creativity of the machine and the pre-flight performance, plus the crowd clap-o-meter.

Red Bull Flugtag Website

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1 comment:

Dr. Critique said...

Awesome pictures! I was at the Flutag Cleveland show a few years ago and it was nothing but a great time.