Friday, August 03, 2007

Blu the Street Graffiti Artist from Italy

Blu is an Italian Artist Specializing in Murals and Urban Design.

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Anonymous said...

...can´t you link the images to the places they came from?

Anonymous said...

I's all POOP!! the one w/ all the bodies was interesting but other then that this is garbage...

Anonymous said...

I have seen better graffiti in a men's room stall

Doug said...

Alas, kids, maybe it isn't traditional graffiti in the sense that you are thinking of.

Maybe it is art. maybe you don't like it.

Anonymous said...

It is a movement, even if by a single person. It represents more than just graffiti. Pull your heads out of your asses and look a little harder than just traditional shit.

Anonymous said...

i kinda like it all...

but you should all check out the artwork of TMNK.


Anonymous said...

Interesting style, nice to see some stuff other then the usual. Even though I'm not really into it I can feel the real meaning from it.

Jason Paul Tolmie said...

I like it a lot! Different, eerie, surreal, original, dark and just up my street.

I wish the streets around where I live had art like this on the buildings!

Josh Goldfein said...

I think his work is fantastic! It's a sight to behold in person, his pieces climbing four stories up a building. He's in Buenos Aires right now, painting the town. There's a great story about the man and how he works here: said...

hey mens room guy and the rest of you who think this is garbage, stray from the herd for a second and check out blu's videos

Xmen said...

I have marked your page! perfect idea! See my graffiti blog

sarmigezetusa said...

cool stuff

Anonymous said...

blu also does ANIMATED graffiti :

maybe these pics are from some of his animation sequences?

Daniel Alejandro Romano said...

WOW, Amazing Pictures. Please if you can post some more because it's simply amazing.


Daniel Alejandro Romano
Street Art Blog & Me

Anonymous said...

you can't see better graffiti in a bathroom because there just names and armature pictures of dicks and other bull shit, but this my friend is fucking genius.

Anonymous said...

it may not be the traditional form of graffiti your used to, but its art and it should be appreciated. gooo BLU!

sweet sweet said...

Wow! BOLD and imaginative style. I am a fan. I would like to see graffiti like this locally.

sweet sweet said...

Wow! Brilliantly BOLD and imaginative.

The Thinker said...

This is a beautiful art !
You know Os Gemeos from Brasil? It's cool!

Anonymous said...

i love blu's work! my art teacher last year showed us him on youtube. i was amazed!