Tuesday, September 08, 2009

Street Art by Roadsworth

Roadsworth is a graffiti artist in Montreal who uses existing shapes like crosswalks, and stencils on top of them to create biting criticisms of modern car culture.


  1. Creative and imaginative!

  2. This comment has been removed by the author.

  3. Anonymous5:24 PM

    Roadsworth has been doing this A LONG time. Maybe do some research merrick.

  4. great work, that stuff just pops out.
    it was very entertaining, i had to look at all of them.

  5. Anonymous8:57 AM

    You want to see Julien Beaver's street art! Belgian guy using perspective and chalks to the extreme.

  6. it one thing to paint a work of art on a wall...and leave it at that...in fact it is simplistic and wonderful to do so...for it makes that art piece stand out against the mundane back drop of the concrete or brick in a revelation of the beauty and creativity of the city and its vast range of inhabitants

    but to make ones art interact with its surroundings...is an other thing entirely

    brilliance, sheer briliance
