Saturday, September 01, 2007

Steve Bloom Wildlife Photography

Really Beautiful African Wild Life Photograhy by Steve Bloom.


  1. Wonderful photography, no question. But as an African I sure wish there was a picture showing an African city.

    The minority of Sub-Saharan Africans now live as nomadic herders. Africans have a unique way of interacting with the information age - just as Asians or Americans do - that is worthy of depiction.

    And that's not even going into the perception that showing traditional people portrayed alongside wildlife can support an idea that they are somehow animalistic.

    I'm not trying to ruin everyone's day - but not every continent has such a history of suffering from image problems.

  2. Anonymous3:21 PM

    Emm, the pics of the cranes and the polarbear arent from Africa are they?

  3. Anonymous4:10 PM

    alan, you echo my thoughts exactly.

  4. Anonymous4:40 PM

    I dont think bald eagles are from africa. I dont know...i may be wrong

  5. Don't read too much into the photos, can't you just sit back enjoy them for being great photos? must every inch of everything in todays world be 100% politically correct without the slightest chance to read some sort of racism into it? I'm sick of it to be frank...

  6. Anonymous12:00 PM

    These photos are photo-shopped to death - which is a complete lie. I would love to see the original negatives: like the two "african"(?) eagles which just happened to be flying in perfect framing!! It is well known that Steve Bloom's photos are totally manipulated, which is fine, but he refuses to admit that most of them are composites and digital enhancements. Why doesn't he just take up painting?

  7. Anonymous2:10 AM

    Steve Bloom is simple DISHONEST and everyone ought to know it. Why should anyone take his photos seriously when they are obviously so manipulated that it just makes one angry - because his public is just being duped. It is high time this honestly came to the attention of the literary world and that a LAW is passed - saying that if you print photos you MUST admit they are mamipulated. otherwise, like Steve Bloom, we are dealing with inverterate LIARS and pure dishonesty.
