Wednesday, May 16, 2007

Stages of Chick Embryo Development

Provides a visual journey through the stages of egg development from the time its laid to the time it hatches.


  1. nice true!
    take care!

  2. Yiff lover3:10 AM

    This is awesome

  3. Thank you for posting this! It's AWESOME! I have an incubator and am ready to hatch my first clutch of eggs!

  4. horsegirl6:28 PM

    horsegirl said...
    this was so helpful thanks i have my fist batch of guinea hen eggs 3 are fertilized and there are 8 stages left in the incubation so im excited this really helped to clearify what i was seeing when i candled them so thanks for posting this this helped a ton cant wait for the eggs to hatch thanks again

  5. Anonymous12:44 AM

    that is soooo cool but its kinda gross

  6. Can you tell me the different times in gestation these pictures were taken?

  7. Anonymous6:04 AM

    I'm not the writer but because there are 20 photos and chicken incubation takes about 20 days, I'd say that there's a photo for each day.
    I have 6 silkie eggs in my home-made incubator and today is day 14 so I guess they look about the same as the embryo in photo number 14.
