Wednesday, February 21, 2007

Orange Sculptures

Huge art pieces made with fruits. These amazing sculptures are made from oranges..


  1. dude...what happens when it rots?

  2. for every orange stuck up there, a child is dying of hunger.

  3. i love art, but i love it more when people aren't starving. as i scrolled down thru the images, i couldn't help but thing how so many starving people would love to have an orange to eat.

  4. Anonymous9:07 AM

    Ridiculous comments. There's also a kid dying of hunger for every meal you don't finish, every minute you run the tap longer than you need to, every stick of makeup you buy, every movie you go see.

    The paint, canvasses, and time invested in other forms of art could be redirected to child welfare causes. You could buy a more fuel-efficient vehicle. There's examples in everybody's lives of how we can give up things we want for the betterment of others. Are you doing those things?

  5. So True. We should never enjoy anything in this life, because somewhere, someones life isn't perfect.

  6. Anonymous12:21 PM

    Thanks for the nice post!

  7. Anonymous4:26 PM

    g'day, where are these orange sculptures at? in Griffith, Aust they're currently having something very similar, altho one of the girls said she wasn't sure where these ones are??

    also, for the rotting question, apparently they aren't left up long enough to rot and the fruit is donated to charity at the end :)
