Tuesday, September 28, 2010

Circus Freaks of the Past

Freak shows were very popular in the past. And an actor with a rare physical anomaly could make a circus owner rich. Here are the most famous circus freaks of the past.


  1. Anonymous5:26 AM

    i love freaks, why dont they still preform like this? make some easy money...

  2. Anonymous3:20 PM

    I agree be brilliant if they still traveled with the circus wish animals did too

  3. Aaron Hodges, England3:29 PM

    Did you two seriously just say that?
    These people were children at one point and do you think that they were proud of the way they looked and do you seriously think that other people just left them alone they would be hassled and abused throughout there whole life. There self confidence would of been zero. Most of them only choose to travel with these circuses because nobody else would employ them and do you think they got paid for this, no they were fed and offered a bed that's all. Also I know for a fact that many performers refused to travel with these shows but were kidnapped by corrupted circus owners who kept them locked up in cage like animals and were whipped and tortured if they refused to perform. Many of true performers shown led painful and short lifes, there's a reason why there there different many of them had horrible life threatening condition, I know that the elephant man shown dies because the weight of his own head crushed the bones in his neck. And the two men shown with 'two faces' them 'faces' are intact huge threatening tumas that killed them shortly into there lives.

    You two should apprechiate this and re consider wheither you really want these kind of circuses back I mean would you enjoy a life of people staring at you because your different?
