Thursday, June 28, 2012

Surreal Mutation Body Art by Chooo-San

At first glance, these images might have you thinking that the artist is a photoshop master, but these incredible body-art illusions were made without the helping hand of a computer program. Japanese student Chooo-San transforms her limbs and face into surrealist artworks that look like body mutations from a sci-fi movie - though thankfully only using acrylics, meaning it can at least be rubbed off at the end of the day.

Chooo-san keeps a Tumblr where she shares photgraphs of her work, most of which are slightly disturbing modifications of her own face like adding an extra mouth or several extra eyes.

Via RocketNews24

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Tuesday, June 26, 2012

Lego Album Covers by Aaron Savage

London-based graphic designer Aaron Savage has recreated various album covers using only LEGO bricks in a series he calls ‘Brick the LP’. You will find many artists such as David Bowie, Kiss, Nirvana, Prodigy, The Game and many more.

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Monday, June 25, 2012

Camera Gardens of André Feliciano

Brazilian artist André Feliciano creates beautiful gardens out of tiny plastic cameras that are made to look like flowers and other sorts of vegetation. A clever idea that’s works incredibly well. Check out more on his blog.

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